Thursday, August 13, 2009
It's gonna be some shit that's gonna make it real hard to sleep at night.
I feel like i'm not happy with my life. I am happy with Candace and I barley think about Jada any more I feel this sneaking suspicion that she's not living her life like she said she was gonna. Isn't it funny how people try to control ypur life from a far. They try to guilt you into not having sex with other people or drinkingabd smoking but then they do it. Damn o was dumb. Anyway I feel like my realtionship with my brother is beyond repair and I was listening to j Cole. And I thought what if he died I'd be fucked up manwell of course I would be I don't think about death as much as the average person. I think about it about once efery year. Because nobody ever died in life that I care about I never knew my three other grandparents and o can't fathomt my last grandma dieing. I wanna repair of relationship but o don't know where to start. I want a real brother that I cantalk to andshit I always say later on in life but what if it never come. Excuse the grammar I did this blog from an itouch too.